How Long Should One Keep Their Furniture In Storage During A Move?

Moving goes hand in hand with storage. The only difference is that you may be seeking storage within the very house you’re moving out of or you may be storing your furniture in a rented facility. At GPS Moving & Storage we offer storage services for all our clients moving out of Southern California, if they need it. And in most cases we find that clients need this storage up until one of the following happens:

Until the sale closes and you can move in

In some cases while moving you may find that the sale process takes longer than you had previously anticipated. In such cases you may be forced to move out of your current space because your lease is over or because you’ve already sold the property. But because you don’t have anywhere to go, you may put your furniture in storage up until the sale of the property you’re moving into closes. This may take a few extra days or even weeks. In either case your goods will be safe and sound.


Until you find an alternative storage solution.

In other cases you may move out of your property without encountering any problems. However, upon moving into the new space, you may find that there is not enough room to put all the furniture in. This is bound to happen if you’re moving into a smaller space is as usually the case with most people whose kids have left the nest and they now don’t need as much space. Such clients place the excess baggage in storage up until they decide where to put it all, be it in the garage, a shed, or an external storage facility.


Until you find a way to dispose the clutter

For some, the excess baggage and clutter that remains after sorting through the household goods is simply not useful. In such cases, you may not find any use in keeping such items under your roof. After all, you want it all away from your house anyway. In such situations you can keep the clutter in storage until you decide how to dispose it. You could do so by giving away the items, holding a garage sale, or simply dumping it all out as trash in the end.


Until renovations are complete

If you need to make some renovations to the property you’re moving into, but have to move out your current residence, you may buy time by having the mover keep the furniture in storage for you. You can then take the time to complete the renovations (or repairs) so that you then move into the new space when it’s well and ready.


Until you’re ready for the move

Some other clients are forced to keep their goods in storage with their mover because there are other reasons keeping them from moving into their new properties. In some cases it’s because they haven’t found that property yet. Others are waiting for mortgage financing. And others are waiting for the sale of their houses to go through so that they can get the funds they need.

At GPS moving we are out of state movers that can provide you with the storage you need as you figure your move out. And just by moving with us you already qualify for one month free storage!

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